4 Ways Technology Can Help You Recruit Amazing Workers

Technology has become both good and bad for worker recruiting. On the one hand, it”s been frustrating for hiring managers, due the volume of automated and unqualified emails and resume submissions that come in for every job posting.

But on the other, technology enables employers to take candidate evaluation and sourcing to a stronger and more acute level than ever. Here”s four ways to use new technologies to recruit amazing employees.

Look at professional social media profiles

Websites such as LinkedIn provide an inside look at a person”s background, as well as his or her connectivity to peer business people. That might come in very handy in the execution of the position you want the person to work in.

Whether you”re in IT recruiting or trying to find a creative writer for a publication, LinkedIn can offer you a vast array of candidates to consider, with useful details included.


Image Source: Pixabay

Then there”s personal social media profiles

To the dismay of online privacy advocates, Facebook recently removed several of the privacy features that once shielded many particulars from the world. As a result, you might be able to find your potential recruit on Facebook, assuming the person is one of the billion people who use the site.

What are you looking for here? It”s simple: red flags. If the person you”re seeking to recruit is publicly airing opinions and engaging in activity you feel would not be a good fit for your organization, this is where you might discover some of those danger signals.

Check Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and Google+, as well!

Survey your social outlets

Speaking of social media, some of the best candidates you”ll hire will probably be linked to your current employees. There can be downsides to this, of course, but there are enough upsides to employee referrals that it”s worth serious consideration as part of your hiring strategy!

Proof of expertise

More than ever, recruiting companies and agencies have become transparent, because they”ve got to put their job postings online in order to reach the best candidates. If you”re looking for an IT recruitment firm, for instance, it is imperative to see online proof that they”re finding great jobs and candidates alike.

If you find a recruitment agency with a solid jobs section on its website — one that”s filled with the types of listings you want to fill — then technology will have delivered you to the place you were looking to go!



About Author
Irfan is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on TechyStop.
